Top on my TO-DO list is still PIM. There are many parts, making it more complex. I am working on it though. QT6/KF6 is making it’s way to the top of the list as well. KDE Neon has made significant progress here, so I am in early stages of updating our build scripts to generate our qt6/kf6 content snap.
Thanks for stopping by! All proceeds go to improving my ability to work. Thanks for your consideration!
I am finishing up the last of 23.04.0 snaps and will tackle KDE PIM suite next week. I will also work on more apps that have their own release cycle.
Several snap bugs have been resolved and closed! Please remember if you have issues, to file them at as I have a hard time finding them at <insert random forum / social network here>
On the Debian front, I successfully closed two CVE’s for ruby-rack in Buster! I will be doing more ELTS/LTS security updates next month!
Thanks for stopping by! If you enjoy my work, consider a dontation.
It has been another very busy couple of weeks! I have released many snaps, fixed a few bugs, started the documentation, and have many snaps in progress. So without further ado here is my status update for KDE snaps:
Fixed several other minor bugs and triaged all the snap bugs I could find on Remember to assign snap bugs to me! It makes my life easier and I see them quicker.
I am happy to report there are several first time releases including a very kool music app called Elisia !
I have many more snaps in various stages and many more to come. My goal is to get them all by the end of this 3 months ( 1.5 left to get it done ), a lofty goal I know. What can I say, I am ambitious.
Now on to Debian. I am excited to announce that soon I will become contributor status for Freexian ( and hopefully, after time, a collaborator ). I am waiting for my mentor to upload my first security update(s) for Buster LTS. This will be a new type of contributions for me, but I am confident I will do well and I have new hope that I have found my new forever home. I will be very useful in many areas and I look forward to growing with the company.
In closing, if you can spare some change we have a few unexpected expenses ( doesn’t everyone?! ) Anything helps, thank you!
I have been extremely busy the last 2 weeks churning out KDE snaps! All of the have been tested and released on AMD64 and Arm64 architectures. If you run into any problems please file bugs @ and feel free to assign me. Thanks!
After my last post a few things have happened. First, I want to thank all of you for your support, monetary and moral. The open source community is amazing and I love being a part of it. We are surviving thanks to all of you. Despite my failed interview, a new door has opened up and I am happy to announce that Canonical is funding me to work part time for a period of 3 months on KDE Snaps! While not the full time role I was hoping for, I’ll take it, and who knows, maybe they will see just how awesome I am! 🙂
I started back to work on these last Tuesday. So far I have made good progress and even have a working Core22 snap!
Work done on upstream snapcraft ( tool used to make snaps ):
New content pack version, fixed an issue with snapcraft remote-build choking on part with /sdk, fixed regex as our naming scheme has changed:
Ran into a new bug with snapcraft expand-extensions and so I must now enter all of this information manually into snapcraft.yaml until fixed, bug report here:
And without further ado, our first core22 snap is Dragonplayer Version 22.12.3 available in the snap store. Many more coming soon!
KDE Dragon media player
With a new month upon us, I must ask for help again, I will not see any money for this work until next month. Please consider a dontation. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Long ago I applied for my dream job at a company I have wanted to wok for since its beginning and I wasn’t ready technically. Fast forward to now, I am ready! A big thank you goes out to Blue Systems for that. So I go out and find the perfect role and start the application process. The process was months long, but was going very well, the interviews and I passed the technical with flying colors. I got to the end where the hiring lead told me he was submitting my offer… I was so excited, so much so, I told my husband and parents “I got the job!” I know, I jinxed myself there. Soon I receive the “There was a problem”.. One obscure assessment called GIA came back not so good. I remember that day, we were in the middle of a long series of winter storms and I when I took the test, my kitten decided right then it was me time. I couldn’t very well throw her out into the snowstorm, so I continued on the best I could. It is my fault, it clearly states to be distraction free. So I speak again to the hiring lead and we both feel with my experience and technical knowledge and abilities we can still move forward. I still had hope. After some time passes, I asked for an update and got the dreaded rejection. I am told it wasn’t just the GIA, but that I am not a good overall fit for the company. In one fell swoop my dreams are dashed and final, for this and all roles within that company. I wasn’t given a reason either. I am devastated, heart broken, and shocked. I get along with everyone, I exceed the technical requirements, and I work well in the community. Dream door closed.
I will not let this get me down. I am moving on. I will find my place where I ‘fit in’.
With that said, I no longer have the will, passion, or drive to work on snaps anymore. I will leave instructions with Jonathon as to what needs to be done to move forward. The good news is my core22 kde-neon extension was merged into upstream snapcraft, so whomever takes over will have a much easier time knocking them out. @kubuntu-council I will do whatever it takes to pay back the money for the hardware you provided me to do snaps, I am truly sorry about this.
What does my future hold? I will still continue with my Debian efforts. In fact, I have ventured out from the KDE umbrella and joined the go-team. I am finalizing my packaging for
and it’s dependencies: roff, mango, mango-kong. I had my first golang patch for a failing test and have submitted it upstream. I will upload these to experimental while the freeze is on.
I will be moving all the libraries in the mycroft team to the python umbrella as they are useful for other things and mycroft is no more.
During the holidays I was tinkering around with selenium UI testing and stumbled on some accessibility issues within KDE, so I think this is a good place for me to dive into for my KDE contributions.
I have been approached to collaborate with OpenOS on a few things, time permitting I will see what I can do there.
I have a possible gig to do some websites, while I move forward in my job hunt.
I will not give up! I will find my place where I ‘fit in’.
Meanwhile, I must ask for donations to get us by. Anything helps, thank you for your consideration.
Much like our trees, Debian is now in freeze stage for Bookworm. I am still working on packages locally until development opens up again. My main focus is getting mycroft packages updated to the new fork at
On the KDE Snaps side of things:
My PPA is not going well. There is a problem in Focal here qhelpgenerator-qt5 is a missing dependency, HOWEVER it is there… as shown here: a fun circular dependency for qtbase. It also builds fine in a focal chroot. I have tried copying packages, source recipe builds, adding another PPA with successful builds, to no avail. My PPA does not seem to use its own packages, or universe for that matter. I have tried all of the dependency settings available and nothing changes. If any of you launchpad experts out there want to help me out, or point me in the right direction, it would be appreciated !
This PPA is mandatory for our core20 snaps moving forward, as they currently have no security updates, and I refuse to have my name on security riddled snaps.
As for the kde-neon extension for core22, I have fixed most of the tests and Sergio is wrapping it up, thank you!!!!
I am still looking for work!!! Please reach out if you, or anyone you know is looking for my skill set.
Once again, I ask for you to please consider a donation. We managed to get the bills paid this month ( Big thank you! ) but, March is quickly approaching. The biggest thing is Phone/Internet so I can keep working on things and Job hunt. Thank you so much for your support!
Which of course presents more work, as kf5 5.99.0 requires qt5 5.15.7. Sooo this is a WIP.
Snapcraft kde-neon-extension is moving along as I learn the python ways of formatting, and fixing some issues in my tests.
In the Debian world, I am sad to report Mycroft-AI has gone bust, however the packaging efforts are not in vain as the project has been forked to and should be relatively easy to migrate.
I have spent some time verifying the libappimage in buster is NOT vulnerable with CVE-2020-25265 as the code wasn’t introduced yet.
Skanpage, plasma-bigscreen both have source uploads so the can migrate to testing to hopefully make it into bookworm!
As many of you know, I am seeking employment. I am a hard worker, that thrives on learning new things. I am a self starter, knowledge sponge, and eager to be an asset to < insert your company here > !
Meanwhile, as interview processes are much longer than I remember and the industry exploding in layoffs, I am coming up short on living expenses as my unemployment lingers on. Please consider donating to my gofundme. Thank you for your consideration.
I still have a ways to go to cover my bills this month, I will continue with my work until I cannot, I hate asking, but please consider a donation. Thank you!
It has been a very busy few weeks as we endured snowstorm after snowstorm!
I have made some progress on the Mycroft in debian adventure! This will slow down as we enter freeze for bookworm and there is no way we will make it into bookworm as there are some significant issues to solve.
lingua-franco uploaded and accepted
pako uploaded and accepted
speechpy-fast uploaded
fitipy ready to upload
On the KDE side of things:
Plasma-bigscreen uploaded and accepted
skanpage uploaded and in NEW
In the Snap arena, I have made my first significant contribution to snapcraft upstream! It has been a great learning experience as I convert my Ruby knowledge to Python. Formatting is something I need to get used to!
Snaps have been on hold due to the kde-neon extension not having core22 support and the above pull request fixes that. Meanwhile, I have been working on getting core20 apps ( 22.08.3 final KDE apps version for this base. ) rebuilt for security updates.
As many of you know, I am seeking employment. I am a hard worker, that thrives on learning new things. I am a self starter, knowledge sponge, and eager to be an asset to < insert your company here > !
Meanwhile, as interview processes are much longer than I remember and the industry exploding in layoffs, I am coming up short on living expenses as my unemployment lingers on. Please consider donating to my gofundme. Thank you for your consideration.
I am excited to announce that I have joined the MycroftAI team in Salsa and working hard to get this packaged up and released in Debian. You can track our progress here:
Snaps are on temporary hold while we get everything switched over to core22. This includes the neon-extension, that requires merges and store requests to be honored. Hopefully folks are returning from holidays and things will start moving again. Thank you for your patience!
I am still seeking work if you or anyone you know is willing to give me a chance to shine, you won’t regret it, life has leveled out and I am ready to make great things happen! I admit the interviewing process is much more difficult than in years past, any advice here is also appreciated. Thank you for stopping by.