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Homestead: Weekend Project, No it’s Not a Grave, it’s a Root Cellar!

Posted on October 23, 2023 by sgmoore

Patch supervisor
Step one: Dig! And more digging. Until you have a 4ft hole. Deep er is better, but for our needs it is enough. Good management is always important to getting the job done. Thankfully Patch and Zucchini stepped up to the job and kept us working until completion! My husband laughed at me and my scoop, but the shovels wiped me out fast, however, my little scoop I could do all day long! So I did help, one scoop at a time. For the bottom we used an old trailer door and drilled holes in it for the cool air


Personal: Meet the family!

Posted on October 12, 2023 by sgmoore

Moore Homestead
It all began with Barney and Blue. Sadly we lost Blue to Parvo 🙁 so our neighbors gave us Clyde, Blues half brother. Barney is the Queen of the castle and very spoiled as she survived the Parvo. Lesson learned, don’t skip any of their shots. Ever. Clyde is our Boxsky ( Half Husky, Half Boxer ) He is quite the character! Our neighbors had another litter of puppies and we picked out Lil’ Mama Then one day Gaitlin ( Proud papa in the center ) showed up and has remained a part of the family ever since. Barney and