Category Archive


KDE Snaps, Security updates, Debian Freeze

Posted on February 16, 2023 by sgmoore

Much like our trees, Debian is now in freeze stage for Bookworm. I am still working on packages locally until development opens up again. My main focus is getting mycroft packages updated to the new fork at On the KDE Snaps side of things: My PPA is not going well. There is a problem in Focal here qhelpgenerator-qt5 is a missing dependency, HOWEVER it is there… as shown here: a fun circular dependency for qtbase. It also builds fine in a focal chroot. I have tried copying packages, source recipe builds, adding another PPA with successful builds, to


KDE Snaps, snapcraft, Debian packages.

Posted on February 3, 2023 by sgmoore

Another busy week! In the snap world, I have been busy trying to solve the problem of core20 snaps needing security updates and focal is no longer supported in KDE Neon. So I have created a ppa at Which of course presents more work, as kf5 5.99.0 requires qt5 5.15.7. Sooo this is a WIP. Snapcraft kde-neon-extension is moving along as I learn the python ways of formatting, and fixing some issues in my tests. In the Debian world, I am sad to report Mycroft-AI has gone bust, however the packaging efforts are not in vain as the project


KDE Snaps, Debian uploads and much more in the works!

Posted on January 28, 2023 by sgmoore

It has been a very busy few weeks as we endured snowstorm after snowstorm! I have made some progress on the Mycroft in debian adventure! This will slow down as we enter freeze for bookworm and there is no way we will make it into bookworm as there are some significant issues to solve. On the KDE side of things: In the Snap arena, I have made my first significant contribution to snapcraft upstream! It has been a great learning experience as I convert my Ruby knowledge to Python. Formatting is something I need to get used to! Snaps


Debian: Coming soon! MycroftAI! KDE snaps update.

Posted on January 8, 2023 by sgmoore

I am excited to announce that I have joined the MycroftAI team in Salsa and working hard to get this packaged up and released in Debian. You can track our progress here: Snaps are on temporary hold while we get everything switched over to core22. This includes the neon-extension, that requires merges and store requests to be honored. Hopefully folks are returning from holidays and things will start moving again. Thank you for your patience! I am still seeking work if you or anyone you know is willing to give me a chance to shine, you won’t regret it,


Debian uploads, Core22 KDE snap content pack and more!

Posted on December 23, 2022 by sgmoore

Sunset, Witch Wells Arizona
I have been quite busy! I have been working on several projects so my cover image is a lovely sunset where I live. Debian: I have updated and uploaded several packages and working on more. KDE Snaps: I have reworked the CI to now do Core22 snaps! They will publish to the beta channel until we get them tested. First snap completed is the ever important KDE Frameworks / QT content snap + SDK! Applications will start after I tackle the kde-neon extention in snapcraft. GUI-Testing: I have begun learning/writing some GUI tests using python and, inspired by one