Category Archive


KDE: Debian: Hopefully a short goodbye for now.

Posted on October 16, 2023 by sgmoore

Witch Wells Az
I have been working around the clock and over the weekend trying to get the transition for snapcraft files in their respective repos. What does this mean for users? Faster releases for Snaps and closer collaboration between snapcrafters and application developers so bugs get resolved much quicker. Unfortunately, I have 2 days to finish before my internet gets cut off. I did not make enough to pay the bill. Seeing as this is the first time in a year, I am absolutely, positively grateful for all of you and your support over the past year. I know my work is


KDE: Snaps move, KDE neon unstable broken OMG! Fixed, and Debian updates

Posted on October 13, 2023 by sgmoore

Witch Wells Az
It’s that time of year already! We have hit our first freeze of the year. While the kitties keep warm by the wood burning stove, I have been busy with many updates and fixes in a variety of projects. KDE neon: It’s true, Neon unstable has been very unstable. Due to a few factors including a builder being out of space, timed with a new Qt release. There is a cost with living in unstable land with bleeding edge releases. It takes time and finesse to get everything happy, especially with major transitions such as Qt. The drive issue was


KDE: Why KDE snaps Love KDE neon and the Big Move.

Posted on October 5, 2023 by sgmoore

KDE neon: KDE neon is extremely important to the KDE snaps eco-system as I briefly mentioned in my last post. Why? KDE neon is based on Jammy LTS which is the same as Core 22 base for snaps. Neon has a very useful continuous integration system in place that tests all the things, including dependencies, qml, cmake errors, debian packaging lintian tool and the list go on. This is very important to get packages out that don’t break things on user desktops. Once the packages are a lovely shade of green on the neon CI ( or at least all


KDE: Another Busy Week! KDE neon, Debian, Snaps Oh My!

Posted on September 29, 2023 by sgmoore

Witch Wells Az
I would like to welcome you to my revamped site. It is still a work in progress, so please be patient while I work out the kinks! I have also explained a bit more about myself in my About Me page for those that may have questions about my homesteader lifestyle. Check it out when you have time. My site is mostly my adventures in packaging software in Linux in a variety of formats ( mostly Debian and Ubuntu Snaps containerized packages ). This keeps me very busy, as folks don’t realize the importance of packaging. Without it, applications remain


KDE: KDE Neon updates! Qt6 transition moving along.

Posted on September 22, 2023 by sgmoore

With user edition out the door last week, this week was spent stabilizing unstable! Spent some time sorting out our Calamares installer being quite grumpy which is now fixed by reverting an upstream change. Unstable and developer ISO rebuilt and installable. Spent some time sorting out some issues with using an unreleased appstream ( thanks ximion for help with packagekit! ) KDE applications are starting to switch to Qt6 in master this week, the big one being KDE PIM! This entails an enormous amount of work re-packaging. I have made a dent, sorta. To be continued next week. I fixed


KDE: KDE neon user edition updates! Debian updates, Snaps on hold.

Posted on September 14, 2023 by sgmoore

I had to make the hard decision to put snaps on hold. I am working odd jobs to “stay alive” and to pay for my beautiful scenery. My “Project” should move forward, as I have done everything asked of me including finding a super awesome management team to take us all the way through. But until it is signed sealed and delivered, I have to survive. In my free time I am helping out Jonathan and working on KDE Neon, he has done so much for me over the years, it is the least I can do! So without further


KDE: Weekly report and News, 23.08.0 Snaps call for testing!

Posted on September 1, 2023 by sgmoore

Another busy week in the KDE snap world. Most of the release-service apps are in –candidate channel waiting to be tested. Testing is the bottle neck in the process, so I am trying something new and calling for help! Please test your favorite apps and report on any issues and which apps tested. Thanks! There are some very big fixes in this release: The KF6 content pack is coming along nicely using qt-framework-sdk snap! Qt5 content snap using KDE patch set is nearly complete! I believe I have a solution for our PIM applications by creating an Akondai dbus


KDE Snaps Weekly report, Debian recommenced!

Posted on August 25, 2023 by sgmoore

Now that all the planets are fixed, please see what you missed here! / EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: I am still looking for a super awesome team lead for a super amazing project involving KDE and Snaps. Time is running out and well the KDE world will be a better a better place if this project goes through! I would like to clarify, this is a paid position! A current KDE developer would be ideal as it is a small team so your time will be split managing and coding alike. If you or anyone you know might be interested please contact


KDE Snaps, Gear 23.04.0 available in snap store

Posted on April 28, 2023 by sgmoore

It has been another crazy busy couple of weeks. There are too many snaps released to list here, but you can track my progress here: Some notable releases are: I updated our Frameworks/QT5 content pack to kf5 105 and qt5 5.15.9. I have added more documentation at: I am finishing up the last of 23.04.0 snaps and will tackle KDE PIM suite next week. I will also work on more apps that have their own release cycle. Several snap bugs have been resolved and closed! Please remember if you have issues, to file them at as I


KDE Snaps! Oh so many released! Debian update

Posted on April 14, 2023 by sgmoore

It has been another very busy couple of weeks! I have released many snaps, fixed a few bugs, started the documentation, and have many snaps in progress. So without further ado here is my status update for KDE snaps: Fixed two very important Krita bugs: Fixed several other minor bugs and triaged all the snap bugs I could find on Remember to assign snap bugs to me! It makes my life easier and I see them quicker. I have started some documentation for developers that want to assist in getting their KDE app snapped here: I have