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KDE Gear snaps round 3!

Posted on October 26, 2022 by sgmoore

First Snow! Witch Wells Arizona
While trying to stay warm in our first snow of the year, I got several apps tested and released in round 3 of ! All of these are being ( re ) tested on both arm64 and amd64. Hence, the release is going slower than it will in the future. Thank you for your patience. Kalzium ( again ) Molecule editor works. Known bug downloading molecules. Just go to Home/Documents and rename the file hotsuff-access.xml to themolecule.cml and load molecule as a temporary work around until a permanent fix comes about. Ktuberling Kbounce Kmplot Kbreakout Knavalbattle Kubrick (


New KDE Gear snaps in the works

Posted on October 17, 2022 by sgmoore

KDE Extras 22.08.2 was released! So… I am working on new snaps! This release also includes a new content snap I made with frameworks 5.98 and Qt 5.15.6. With all the new goodness, I am (Re) testing all snaps to make sure they are working as expected. You can find a link to all of my snap releases from the KDE Snap Store Releases on the menu above. Some notable releases that have new fixes and improvements are: Kalzium: Molecular editor now works! Artikulate: Now works on arm64 ( eg. Rasberry Pi ) Dragon: Now works on arm64 Minuet: