Posted on November 22, 2023 by sgmoore
Here in the US, we celebrate Thanksgiving tomorrow. I am thankful to be a part of such an amazing community. I have raised enough to manage another month and I can continue my job search in less dire circumstances. I am truly grateful to each and every one of you. While my focus will remain on my job hunt, I will be back next week at reduced hours to maintain my work. I have to alter my priorities to keep my hours reduced enough to focus on my job search so I will be contributing as follows: Again, thank you
Posted on November 15, 2023 by sgmoore
I write this with a heavy heart. Exactly one year ago I lost my beloved job. That was all me, I had a terrible run of bad luck with COVID and I never caught up. In the last year, I have taken on several new projects to re-create a new image for myself and to make up for the previous year, and I believe I worked very hard in doing so. Unfortunately, my seemingly good interviews have not ended in a job. One potential job I did not put as much effort into as I should have because I put
Posted on November 10, 2023 by sgmoore
Today ! I have finished all the snaps and have released to stable channel, if the snap you are looking for hasn’t arrived yet, there is an MR open and it will be soon! I have finished all the applications in KDE neon and they are available in Unstable and I am snapshotting User edition and they will be available shortly. Krita 5.2.1 Snap is complete and released to stable channel! Enjoy! I fixed some issues with a few of our –classic snaps, namely in Wayland sessions by bundling some missing wayland Qt libs. They should no longer go
Posted on November 3, 2023 by sgmoore
A big thank you goes to my parents this week for contributing to my survival fund. With that I was able to make a big push on fixing some outstanding issues on some of our snaps. KDE neon: No major blowups this week. Worked out issues with kmail-account-wizard thanks to David R! This is now in the hands of upstream ( porting not complete ) Worked on more orange -> green packaging fixes. Debian: Fixed bug in squashfuse Thanks for stopping by. Please help fund my efforts! Donate
Posted on October 27, 2023 by sgmoore
While Yang our cat tries to lure in unsuspecting birds on the bird feeder, I have been busy working on many things. First things first though, a big thank you to all that donated to my Internet bill. I was able to continue my work without interruption. KDE neon: A busy week in KDE neon as was released! We have it ready to update in User edition or if you would like to download the new ISO you can find it here: I highly advise the User Edition as Unstable is volatile right now with Qt6 transition and
Posted on October 23, 2023 by sgmoore
Step one: Dig! And more digging. Until you have a 4ft hole. Deep er is better, but for our needs it is enough. Good management is always important to getting the job done. Thankfully Patch and Zucchini stepped up to the job and kept us working until completion! My husband laughed at me and my scoop, but the shovels wiped me out fast, however, my little scoop I could do all day long! So I did help, one scoop at a time. For the bottom we used an old trailer door and drilled holes in it for the cool air
Posted on October 18, 2023 by sgmoore
I have completed the the ‘Big move’! There are still a few lingering MR’s, but I am sure they will be approved so I can merge soon. With the move I was also able to release 23.08.2 for most release service applications. Enjoy! You can find them all here: I still need to raise a bit more to pay the Internet bill. If you can spare some change please consider a donation. Thank you! <script src=””></script> <noscript><a href=””><img alt=”Donate using Liberapay” src=””></a></noscript> Donate
Posted on October 16, 2023 by sgmoore
I have been working around the clock and over the weekend trying to get the transition for snapcraft files in their respective repos. What does this mean for users? Faster releases for Snaps and closer collaboration between snapcrafters and application developers so bugs get resolved much quicker. Unfortunately, I have 2 days to finish before my internet gets cut off. I did not make enough to pay the bill. Seeing as this is the first time in a year, I am absolutely, positively grateful for all of you and your support over the past year. I know my work is
Posted on October 13, 2023 by sgmoore
It’s that time of year already! We have hit our first freeze of the year. While the kitties keep warm by the wood burning stove, I have been busy with many updates and fixes in a variety of projects. KDE neon: It’s true, Neon unstable has been very unstable. Due to a few factors including a builder being out of space, timed with a new Qt release. There is a cost with living in unstable land with bleeding edge releases. It takes time and finesse to get everything happy, especially with major transitions such as Qt. The drive issue was
Posted on October 12, 2023 by sgmoore
It all began with Barney and Blue. Sadly we lost Blue to Parvo 🙁 so our neighbors gave us Clyde, Blues half brother. Barney is the Queen of the castle and very spoiled as she survived the Parvo. Lesson learned, don’t skip any of their shots. Ever. Clyde is our Boxsky ( Half Husky, Half Boxer ) He is quite the character! Our neighbors had another litter of puppies and we picked out Lil’ Mama Then one day Gaitlin ( Proud papa in the center ) showed up and has remained a part of the family ever since. Barney and