Debian uploads, Core22 KDE snap content pack and more!

Posted on December 23, 2022 by sgmoore

Sunset, Witch Wells Arizona
I have been quite busy! I have been working on several projects so my cover image is a lovely sunset where I live. Debian: I have updated and uploaded several packages and working on more. KDE Snaps: I have reworked the CI to now do Core22 snaps! They will publish to the beta channel until we get them tested. First snap completed is the ever important KDE Frameworks / QT content snap + SDK! Applications will start after I tackle the kde-neon extention in snapcraft. GUI-Testing: I have begun learning/writing some GUI tests using python and, inspired by one


Representing KDE @ Ubuntu Summit in Prague

Posted on November 16, 2022 by sgmoore

KDE @ Ubuntu Summit in Prague
First, I would like to send a big Thank you! to Canonical for sponsoring my trip to Prague for the Ubuntu Summit! It was a great success. I saw some great talks and valuable workshops. I now know how to snap our applications the have daemons and services thanks to the Snapping Daemons and Services workshop. Prague itself is an amazing city. Wow. Just wow. I got to see old friends and meet many new ones. I will take away some wonderful memories. Did I mention a river cruise? Yes! It was great fun. I did a lightning talk with


KDE snaps at Ubuntu Summit 2022, see you in Prague!

Posted on November 1, 2022 by sgmoore

I am pushing out a few more snaps as I prepare for the Ubuntu Summit next week! At the summit I will be co-hosting a snap workshop where I will dissect and explain what goes into snapping KDE apps. I am very excited! Some of the main goals to accomplish while I am there include: Start knocking out our wonderful PIM suite. Sort out apps that want access to system-files and give it to them. Calligra office suite. Access to the neon extention so I may update some issues I am running into. A few apps that require daemon ability


KDE Gear Snaps fixes and new releases

Posted on October 31, 2022 by sgmoore

Another continuation of ! This week I solved a few more problems. Lokalize: Dictionaries are now available via the hunspell content snap! To enable: sudo snap install hunspell-dictionaries sudo snap connect lokalize:hunspell-dictionaries-plug hunspell-dictionaries:hunspell-dictionaries Ktorrent: First time release on both amd64 and arm64! Closes bug 412734 Kdenlive: Glaximate animations are now available! Closes bug 459338 Okular Kgeography Kpatience Palapeli: Now launches! Closes bug 426177 Krdc: Now on arm64! Kdiamond: Now with sound! More coming tomorrow! Please consider donating! Helps keep the lights on so I can get more Kool software out to you. Cash App $ScarlettMoore0903 Stripe:


KDE Gear snaps round 3!

Posted on October 26, 2022 by sgmoore

First Snow! Witch Wells Arizona
While trying to stay warm in our first snow of the year, I got several apps tested and released in round 3 of ! All of these are being ( re ) tested on both arm64 and amd64. Hence, the release is going slower than it will in the future. Thank you for your patience. Kalzium ( again ) Molecule editor works. Known bug downloading molecules. Just go to Home/Documents and rename the file hotsuff-access.xml to themolecule.cml and load molecule as a temporary work around until a permanent fix comes about. Ktuberling Kbounce Kmplot Kbreakout Knavalbattle Kubrick (


KDE Gear Snaps round 2

Posted on October 20, 2022 by sgmoore

As a continuation of Todays releases, tested on both amd64 and arm64, are: Falkon Umbrello Step Kompare Rocs ( First time release on arm! ) Kgoldrunner Gwenview This week has also been a busy week gardening snap bugs in They are all over the place 🙁 I am trying to sort out getting them there own section. I have assigned all snap bugs I have found to myself and requested that this is default. If you have bugs, please report them at , for now under neon / Snaps. More coming next week!


New KDE Gear snaps in the works

Posted on October 17, 2022 by sgmoore

KDE Extras 22.08.2 was released! So… I am working on new snaps! This release also includes a new content snap I made with frameworks 5.98 and Qt 5.15.6. With all the new goodness, I am (Re) testing all snaps to make sure they are working as expected. You can find a link to all of my snap releases from the KDE Snap Store Releases on the menu above. Some notable releases that have new fixes and improvements are: Kalzium: Molecular editor now works! Artikulate: Now works on arm64 ( eg. Rasberry Pi ) Dragon: Now works on arm64 Minuet: